The Purchasing Menu
handles the purchasing and requisitioning of the goods,
materials and services that you buy in. Keep track of,
and manage what your business buys.
You can use it together with all of the other Enterpise
menus to create a full Supply Chain management solution.
Full transparency ensures you retain full control of
the buying process - and over who buys what in
your business. Generate manual purchase orders or let
the system do it for you - based on shortages, your
own buying rules and min / max stock levels.
Invoice validation compares invoices against the goods
you actually receive so you only pay for what's arrived
and at the prices you were quoted for / expect
to pay.
Fully integrated with MRP it can be used in a Supplier Warning
system to give key suppliers notification of probable
future requirement. With Scheduled orders and On-time
In-full reporting the Purchasing system gives you a
comprehensive supplier control package.
Control your buying, control your suppliers
With the Contract Control system you can contract to buy
material for a fixed duration or quantity. Orders placed will be
tagged against the contract, including handling of Contract
rollover and expiry warning. With all specifications,
service level agreements, negotiation plans and terms and
conditions held against the contract it is easy to marshall
your arguments at renewal. These documents are all held using the
document integration
The Requisitions system gives you full control of departmental
expenditure by a system of requests, management approvals,
budgetary checks and verification against existing stocks.
The final Purchase Orders will be placed by Purchasing staff,
so it should be done properly and you order what you wanted
to order instead of something sort of like it. Departments
see only their own little 'mini-company' of Requistions, Orders
and Receipts.
Generate Purchase Orders
Purchase Recommendations
Contract system
Scheduled orders integrated with MRP
Supplier warning integrated with MRP
Requisition system to control departmental spending
Multiple & Preferred Suppliers
Supplier Invoice Validation against Purchase Order
and Goods Receipt