Project Analysis
The Project Analysis module provides you with the means to set up and analyse projects throughout their life cycle to show their profitability.

Costs and income from the transactions entered throughout the system can be assigned to projects and also phases within the project. This can include the often hidden costs of meetings, travel and sundries giving you the whole picture.

Accurate project costing depends on accurate information obtained from the right source, at the right time in terms that users understand, with minimal effort.

Fully integrated with all other areas of the system, the Project Analysis system is really on the ball. It picks up any Purchase Orders immediately they are raised and tracks them right through from Goods being booked in and then on to Invoice. The same for time sheets, expenses, sales and everything else.

Projects and sub-projects make a hierarchy so that groups or 'Families' of projects can be reported on together or individually, including how they are performing against budget.

Every Customer can be treated as a Project, with sub-projects, so that you can find out exactly how much profit you really make from each customer. The results are often surprising.

  • Project Phases
  • Sub-projects
  • Time sheet cost allocation
  • Out of Pocket Expenses
  • Purchase costs, sales income
  • Review Performance against Budgets
  • Cost Categories